The Science of International Science Film Coproduction

EURASF is organizing and calling for producers’ applications for a hands-on ONLINE WORKSHOP over two consecutive afternoons.

Experienced tutors, Pauline Mazenod* and Michel Pradier* will held a special interactive online event, open to EUROPEAN PRODUCERS, focussing on science related films. Accepted are applications with a particular science film project or for observation only.

Up to three participants with a film project will be eligible, for a more tailor made conversation about their international coproduction strategy during the workshop. Accepted will be all length of science related documentaries, fiction or animation, for TV, VOD or cinema, singles or series. The group will be limited to 10 participants all in all (3 with a project, the others as inter-active observers).

It will work on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis.

For EURASF Members, the participation will be FREE.

For non-members, we ask for 50€ - corresponding to the yearly member fee for EURASF ( This way, the participants would, thus, at the same time benefit of a EURASF membership (and forthcoming advantages) for 2022.

Modalities for payment of this fee will be communicated individually following the application of a non-member.

10th of JUNE 2022

6th and 7th of JULY from 4.00 to 5.45 pm CET


DAY 1 (45’ + 15’break + 45’)

1. New Opportunities for international coproductions

2. What is an international coproduction?

  • Alternatives to coproduction?
  • Legal framework
  • Why to make a coproduction?
  • Home funding basis for coproduction
  • Bi-national funds to support coproduction
  • Regional, national & international funds to support int. Coproduction
  • How and when to find a coproducer?
  • Why, how, who & when to find an int’l distributor?
  • Key points of coproduction contracts to be negotiated

3. The gold rules for a successful international coproduction

DAY 2 (45’ + 15’break + 45’)

  • The jungle of funds for international coproductions
  • Helicopter presentation of about 20 funds for international coproductions: European and Latin American, Arabic, Asian, international for developing countries.
  • Advice for your fund applications
  • 3’ producer’s pitch and consultancy; roundtable consisting of 7’ feedback by Pauline Mazenod & Michel Pradier and discussion for each project.


Michel Pradier
Michel has over 30 year experience in film production, film financing and in managing audiovisual public funds. His work in feature film production for over ten years, provided him with a solid foundation before joining Canadian public funding agencies. At first, at the Quebec provincial agency Sodec, Michel managed investment and tax credits for audiovisual products and later at the federal level, including 22 years at Telefilm Canada, he was National Project Financing Director for feature films. He also was the Canadian representative at Eurimages, a International coproduction fund. Since 2019, he specializes in executive producing and financial counseling for international coproductions.

Pauline Mazenod
Pauline Mazenod is the founder and CEO of Windrose, specialized in the international distribution of documentaries, animation series, fiction series and performances, as well as its Head of Film Acquisitions & Sales. She lives between Paris, France where Windrose has its head office and Fürth, Bavaria. Windrose has been distributing films for TV, VOD, airplane companies and educational institutions all over the world for almost 15 years. Its catalogue is composed of entertaining and demanding films that aim to change the viewer's life and help to make our world a better place. She acts as a mentor in several international training programmes.

Please send a short email to -> Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
With the object line "EURASF ONLINE WORKSHOP"
Only with your wish to participate,
Specifying if you have a relevant project or not.

!!! - > If you want to apply WITH A PROJECT: 
Please fill out the respective form for the information of the tutors here and ad a information to your amail application:

Instead of the Online Application you can also use the pdf-Form and join it to your email application:


The up to 10 participants will be informed latest 12th of June.